Blackfriars Launches Brand New Schools Programme

Monday 3rd June

We have launched our new Schools Programme with two fantastic events!


On Sunday 19th May 2024 we invited our volunteers to an afternoon tea and presentation, where we gave them a preview of the launch event which was to be held later that week.

Then on the 22nd May 2024, we invited professionals from local schools and colleges to our official Schools Programme Launch event!

What is the Schools Programme?

Our Arts Council funding is there to enable us to become a hub for the arts, protecting and developing arts and culture for our community. 

We decided that the best way to start was with young people. 

So, we will be bringing work to the theatre that will be relevant to them, to the national curriculum and to reflect the history and heritage of where we live. We are working with professional companies to bring work here and create new work.

Most notably, we were delighted to be able to announce at the event that we have formed a partnership with a brilliant Theatre Company who have been working in this field for 20 years, Box Clever. Several members of the Box Clever team came along to the school’s launch!

How will it work? -

We plan to open the theatre much more within the school day on weekdays to make room for a whole range of activities which will provide opportunities for our young people to engage with the arts, broaden their horizons and support their learning. 


The two events were a great success. We all felt uplifted having had the chance to engage with so many enthusiastic people who understood and were excited about the plans.

We hope you will enjoy the short film we made for these events - it is only 56 seconds long, but it captures the spirit of the work we are planning to deliver at Blackfriars for our Schools Programme.

For more information about the programme please email

Blackfriars undoubtedly plays a very important role as Boston's centre for entertainment and the arts. It is home to two very successful local amateur dramatic and operatic groups, as well as hosting a varied program of professional stage productions.