Box Office August Closure 2024

Tuesday 2nd July

Blackfriars Box Office will close from Saturday 3rd August until Sunday 18th August. 

As we do every year, Blackfriars Box Office and Foyer Gallery will close this August for 2 weeks. This is to enable us to carry out essential maintenance work within the building.

During this period tickets can still be purchased online via our website. Emails and voicemails will also be closely monitored so don’t hesitate to get in touch! 

Box Office will reopen to visitors from Monday 19th August. 

We hope you all have a wonderful summer break and look forward to seeing you back at Blackfriars again soon. 


Blackfriars undoubtedly plays a very important role as Boston's centre for entertainment and the arts. It is home to two very successful local amateur dramatic and operatic groups, as well as hosting a varied program of professional stage productions.